Welcome to parenting! Early parenting is a time of getting to know ourselves as mums (and dads) and figuring out what all this means. A time of getting to know baby. It is a time of joys and love but also worries and fears. Sometimes we just don’t feel what we expected to feel. Come join other new mums and talk about what this time is really like. Right now we just can’t connect in person the way we would like to, the way we really need to. Connections are what helps us enjoy the good times and get through the rough times. Connecting Mamma’s is facilitated by qualified psychologists who are passionate about working with new mums in this perinatal space. Our groups run on Friday mornings from 10.30am for 45 minutes over 3 weeks. The cost of the program is $50 per week. (Health Fund and Medicare rebates may apply)

Online support group
Supporting you as a new parent.
Meeting baby
Early parenting – getting to know ourselves as new mumma’s
Understanding baby - taking the time to get to know our babies, their cues and how they communicate with us.
What about those feelings - the joys, the fears and everything in between.
The reality of expectations.
Encouraging Mother/baby relationships
Early parenting through Covid 19